Monday, April 12, 2010


Stephen says:
Genvin Out is genvin lol says:
*we play with the soap
*oh how fun
*me too

1 - STEPHENS DOING THIS ON TUMBLR and I'm only doing it coz he's doing it. I'm not gay either.
2 - I'm really, really into Pokemon. I haven't even played any of the new games, but I'm really into Pokemon Online so that should count. I'm trying to fill up with shitty facts as fast as I can.
3 - Sometimes, I actually half-seriously consider, "Am I actually retarded and are all my friends only friends to be nice?"
4 - I have the shittiest shittiest shittiest shit shit shit shit gay music taste in the world.
5 - I believe that I will get the lowest ATAR out of my friends and it is actually true.
6 - I actually get pissed when I hear stories about everyone getting wasted but I try to tell myself that people should be able to do what they want (within reason).
7 - I've been vegaytarian for about four weeks
8 - I actually don't really give a shit about turning eighteen because the only thing I'm really looking forward to is being able to go over eighteens gigs
10 - I am stupid sheep and just follow whatever my friends do
11 - I'm really immature compared to just about everyone else and am hard to talk to
12 - Whenever the sky looks really nice, I actually would have no problems sitting outside and just staring at it all day except I have shitty work to do
13 - I don't blog about very serious things because I am not insightful enough
14 - I very genuinely worry about how I'm going to make friends in uni.
15 - I do a lot of my writing for Extension 2 between midnight and three in the morning, because there are less distractions
16 - Sometimes I think I should just drop Extension 2 because Stephen writes superior short stories but only does Advanced
17 - It might be funny sometimes, but I am so inept at dealing with the most basic situations (calling up a shop and asking directions when we're only one street away, asking for free samples of ice cream, etc) that I actually fear for how the rest of my life is going to turn out
18 - I really wish I was good at art and sometimes I try to draw decent pictures but rip them out of my notebook out of frustration and give up
19 - While I am glad that I dropped to 2 unit math, I am very self conscious because everyone else still does 3-and-4 unit
20 - I am ridiculously scared of major change
21 - I would actually let just about anyone with a pair of scissors cut my hair right now because I don't even really care about it that much anymore. That's not true, I wouldn't settle for a mullet, but nearly anything else, yeah
22 - I don't eat enough and I lost a kilo after going veg
23 - No matter how stupid and shitty it sounds, I am actually pretty proud of my garage punk HSC music composition
24 - I don't have my Ls because truth to be told I don't even really give a shit about public transport and the problems that everyone else seems to have with it and one of the main driving factors behind getting my license would be so that I can drive people around
25 - I actually feel like I owe everyone for putting up with me in Year 7 and 8 and probably 9
26 - I am scared of lots of stuff and among these are ghosts
27 - I am actually forcing myself to slowly become more desensitised to mushrooms
28 - A while back I decided to stop having caffeine, even in the form of Coke or whatever
29 - The other day I stood in the pet food aisle for five extra minutes trying to figure out if the cat food I had bought added up to over $10, because that's all I had on me. When I went to the counter, it turns out it added up to $10.50
30 - Sometimes when I'm not sleeping I try to write songs and they all turn out fucking shitty and generic and I get really frustrated
31 - I've only recently realised that things won't just 'work themselves out in the end' and that I have to actually do something if I want things to go anywhere
32 - I used to try to smile and look actually good in photos but I have since given that up and try to pull really stupid faces so when I look shit it's on purpose
33 - Sometimes when I talk about the world now I feel like I am not in a legitimate position to discuss since I don't do sciences. I wonder how much that will impact my life in future
34 - I don't want to be a journalist and I actually have no idea where the fuck I'm headed
35 - I am ridiculously frightened of electricity and if you give me a shock pen I will inwardly be really upset and freaked out but I'll pretend I'm not and I also really FUCKING hate static shocks
36 - I will actually cry like a sissy on the last day of Year 12 because I will miss the routine of going to school and seeing everyone
37 - I would actually love to adorn my room with art created by everyone I talk to
38 - I very rarely feel happy with how I'm dressed
39 - I actually very much enjoy giving really detailed feedback for people's essays and creative writing
40 - I really understand what people are trying to tell me maybe half the time and I am horrible at picking up on things. 'Half the time' is a bit of an exaggeration, but it's true that I am really, really lost a lot of the time
41 - I actually really enjoy romcoms
42 - I actually really fucking despise celebrity gossip magazines
43 - I really, really wish I could sing
44 - I wish I was really great at photography but I don't want to put in the work required to be so
45 - I don't have a single decent pair of socks, which is half null because I don't really wear socks anymore anyway, but in colder weather like today I'm starting to realise that I rather need them
46 - I am really, really vain. Does this clash with what I said before about not really caring about my hair anymore? It probably does
47 - I couldn't really give a shit about drugs
48 - Despite the fact that I don't care for drugs and alcohol, a lot of the music I listen to is based around partying hard
49 - I got four out of ten for my first Extension 2 English assessment task.
50 - I am actually truly convinced that I will get a really, really horrible mark for my Modern History half yearlies. I'm not even saying this in a "How'd your exam go? Awwwww I did soooo bad" kind of way.
51 - I am genuinely scared that I will lose contact with my friends once uni comes by because I secretly fear that I will not do as well as everyone else no matter how hard I try. Not really a secret
52 - I sometimes genuinely wonder why anyone talks to me, and they probably do too
53 - whoops, who cares, stephen says he's gonna save it for tomorrow morning but i can't be fucked finishing this anyway because i was supposed to continue doing extension 2 work at midnight and its half past midnight right now and i wonder why i continue to neglect my ext 2 work when i did so horribly in my first task and im probably gonna write a really shit short story anyway like that one about the dumb fucking shoe
wow, hasn't this been frighteningly honest?

1 comment:

Buxton said...

wow, i was intrigued.