Saturday, May 30, 2009


This is about as goddamn deep as I'm going to get.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Statement: "There are two questions ".

What is the first question?
What is the second question?


There are many ways to look at this, and as such I have already chosen one. This came about to me right before I went to sleep yesterday, quite unusual ( even for me ) to delve into abstract thought. Now, I'm going to try link this with something relevant to they way we think and ultimately answer or even question an aspect of how we go on about our lives. Maybe.
First, I'll presuppose some other ways of how people might perceive a statement as such. Possibilities include " What questions? ", " Why Two? ", " Statement doesn't make sense "..etc.. Trying to derive a meaning, or purpose of such a statement is not a good use of time, thus that is why I have done it for you. Note on my take: " What is the first question?, What is the second question? ". I will delve into these shortly.
So is there actually a proper way to look into a statement? When conversing, we make statements all the time, to bring up a subject matter to talk about, bring into discussion. That being the most usual purpose of exporting a subject of matter among peers and such. How we go about after we hear it is all up to the individual. Most of us have heard " the pen is mightier than the sword ", which I quite agree and will now extend to that of speech. Communication being an integrated fundamental part of our lives, require us to reconstruct a string of expressions into something that will make sense and then in turn reply with anything applicable. All of this within nanoseconds - when among peers.
When among peers, it is natural to have a line of which all conversations held would stick to, the line being a interwoven mesh of the usual subjects and interests shared between the cohort. This I will call specialisation of conversation, where, by default we can assume a purpose of what is being said and therefore reply in a manner that is appreciated, relevant and understood. But what if it comes from somewhere unfamiliar?
In todays world, everyone is connected. Of all ages, humans socialise indeterminately, without proper reason or hidden value. It is simply our nature. So how to take up on an expression said from one stranger? Straying away from facial expressions and other factors, can the words spoken be influencial to our way of possible bonding? Statements executed in general conversation will lead to conflicts of interest, when subjected to a group of people who have just met. With so many different backgrounds, points of interest etc, anything said needs to be carefully worded so as to not offend so quickly. However, think that this was not taken into consideration. " There are 3 bottles of beer on the table ". If this was said by someone within a group of four, what is your first infered guess of his/her purpose? Would it be that, he/she is expecting someone not to drink? Expecting to start a conversation about beer, but actually has no real interest in drinking that particular brand. Differential interpretations, then analysing it can I would assume catergorise ones aspect of personality and their probable pattern of thought.
Coming back to our two statements, my first afterthought was, " I am going to blog this ". Surprise hey? Should it be? In reality, I have created a loop with my interpretation. " What is the first question? ", is actually an answer in itself, being the first question I have asked already, and the second, also answering itself. Lacking in any sort of certification/degree, I have no idea what this means. =]

I hope that was as an enjoyable read as any of the other fellow bloggers on here, and that maybe you've taken something even remotely useful here, even if you dont know it yet.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Just in case, here is a lank:


Monday, May 25, 2009


toilet paper origamiI totally forgot to add this. Incase anyone is ever bloody bored enough.

I want to be a better person too.

Inspired by everyone else's attempt to become someone they're probably not ( feel free to throw on the hate ), it shouldn't mean they don't have the capacity to and so I too, will I guess complete a phase of transition. No?

Anyway, I haven't really been blogging about anything remotely useful to anyone.

So behold! Here are my ranks and marks in stark contrast to Stephen.

Economics 8/10, 47/60 Rank 20th
English 13/15, 9/15(story, really disappointing ) ?????
Maths 27/45 Rank 62nd
Chemistry 34/63 Rank 82nd
Physics 23/28, 23.5/38 Rank ?????
Visual Arts [9/10, 8/10, 5/10], 12/25, Rank ???? Same as quocs[same cumulative], even though he got 22/25 =D

I guess I'm not angry or anything, seeing I was preoccupied with other stuff + learning Guitar songs for camp.. haha which, I spent a hour on the guitar before going to bed before economics.
ALSO, did I mention I got 13/20 for my one page essay? Would be a 19-20 if I had finished.. ><

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Fifty thousand blue pens

I'm going to write about my day as if it's interesting

Rubbing my eyes, I 

I can't be bothered finishing that.

Anyway, I've decided that from now on, since I can't write blogs for shit, I'm going to draw or write it up on some paper, and then scan it. Wouldn't that be exciting? I think so.

I got 6.98 out of 10. So did Patrick. Brian got 2.