Saturday, April 24, 2010


I know I can't criticise for taking Pokemonline seriously, but...

yeah! can you smell it in the air?

Updated with a bunch of photos I printed ages ago but never got round to putting up.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

in response to what Jenn said...

I just took a look at Tila Tequila's Wiki page.
What the fuck is this?

ishraq, if you continue to fail to turn up to the brokencyub meetings, they're gonna cancel your membership...

Update on the exams, I got Ext 1 Eng back today and, despite doing LITERALLY no work in Ext 1 classes or any research or anything, I pulled myself 21/25. How did even

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

the fuck is a post 415 aggregate?

With the case of my half yearlies, which everyone must care about and also I have to post about either way since we are sheep, it's the very cliche story you always hear of
"Hey wow y'know it's weird! I did great in all the subjects I thought I'd do shitty in, and shitty in all the subjects I thought I'd do great in!"

Math: since I'm a math king and all, I got 72/80, which I'm not disappointed with, but I thought I'd do better. This subject doesn't apply to what I described just above.

English: I knew I did sweeto in the speech, but I genuinely thought I fucked up the story. Turns out I didn't, and they actually really enjoyed it, even though while I was writing it, my brain was in a constant cringe over how shitty it was to me.

Music: Again, I thought I actually fucked up my performance - Mr Craig pointed out afterwards that despite knowing that there was a camera facing me, I seemed to be performing to the window on the left, and my setup was horrible because my pedal was too far away - but I ended up with 8/10 for both pieces. I was actually horrified after my performance because since LnT fucked up the drumkit at Finals Night, and the toms don't go on properly, and so I stayed in Chuck's performance to actually just hold a tom there for Paul, who was drumming. Watching it made me want to die, because Chuck has actually improved a load, and pulled Cliffs of Dover pretty clean. He ended up with 8/10 and 8.5/10, so I'm actually quite flattered with Mr Craig's marking. Maybe it was because we have Hawaiian shirt affinity - the day prior, he asked us if we had any requests for the exam, and I asked him to wear a Hawaiian shirt, the big Corona Mexican-hat that's been sitting in the music rooms since Finals Night, and cover the room in sand. He didn't, but he did wear a Hawaiian shirt and bring a little stubbyholder that was in the shape of a Hawaiian shirt.

Ag: Big smiles, less bomb drunkass Woodstock hobos. The morning of the ag exam, after everyone else finished 3u math, we were allowed to move some tables into the senior computer room, where Bob and I actually led seminars for ag krew and drew diagrams and shit on the whiteboard in the room, and taught everyone else, who had studied far less because they had math to worry about. I somehow managed to come LAST in ag krew, getting destroyed by even Dalf, who entirely missed the last page of questions because she didn't see them. I ended up with 69%, which is ridankulous because ag was always the subject I could fall back on etc etc

Modern - we didn't get it back. Here are my thoughts.
Genvin Out is says:
*mr lunch is going to look at my paper and just.. 'what? what..'
Stephen says:
*"very good genvin! good boy! good, good good boy!!

I can't remember what other subjects I do. I hope I've covered everything.

okay, thanks for sharing

In the holidays, I sleep an average of eight hours every night.
During school, I sleep an average of 5-6 hours.
Am I the only one who doesn't get the full recommended 8?

obligatory sheep post on half yearlies

Having gotten my half-yearlies back, I think it has finally sunk into me just how much work I need to actually put in, if I want to even break into the post 415 aggregate range. I guess I honestly haven't been taking this whole HSC thing seriously. That is, seriously enough to push myself to complete set homework and rarely enough, write some notes.
Everyone has standards, but I guess the most amusing thing is that I have such high standards, that if I told you, you would most definitely laugh at me. I don't know if it is due to my subtle elitism, or the fact that I constantly compare myself to where I could be ( sydney boys/tech ) but I realise that my 'standards' are so stupidly high that I don't think I will ever be able to reach them.
And it freaks me out now.

The first set of marks was extension 2 maths, in our offline class. To be honest, I have varying expectations to how good/bad I went in the test. I knew I lost at least 10.. but the actual mark somewhat surprised me, even though it shouldn't have.
I sat in my seat sweaty, realisation that this is the all important give it all or nothing year, anxiously waiting for a positive start to the day. Indeed, when Rawson gave out the marks - question by question - I had this bubble of hope inside me that I might have actually done well in a maths test (sidenote. No matter who leads you to believe, I've been flunking maths ever since I came into this school..or ever since year 8 actually). I don't know about you...but having all my high school life to used to being shown percentages of 60% - 70% isn't exactly the greatest thing in the world ( I guess I just got used to it..), and adding it up to total 60/75...I felt somewhat satiated. It was almost underwhelming in a sense, as I didn't know what I should have been expecting. What was encouraging is that I lost marks for "missing steps in working out" HURR, and that, even though it felt like it at the time, marks weren't lost because I lacked the ability to do questions, but rather they were attributed to many many silly mistakes.

I'm not even proud to say extension 2 was my highest mark, but it was. The ball dropped for me 2 periods in a row. First, economics, my forte, my 'free 2 units'...turned out so very very wrong. I was literally on the verge of tears when I grabbed my paper. 52/70.
The day didnt end there with english to push me to the edge. Everything was already in the back of my mind anyway, and I knew that I would receive not so pleasant marks for my speech ( 13/20 ) but what always pisses me off is that I always get positive comments.. which doesn't exactly HELP AT ALL. To be honest, I was feeling good about english, in that the speech could be balanced out by the written section. 5/10 for the extended response. HURR. I totalled 21.25/30 or 35/50. ( 17/20 for short story ).
Once you pop, you can't stop. Physics.. don't even want to say anything. A bashing by both Brian and Kaushalya ( then followed by a more-than triumphant Stephen ) didn't exactly send a positive signal to my brain. " What the hell man, whats wrong with you. You work so hard! What happened? Why do you keep doing this. Mr Zhang is going to kill you. " etc etc. Shhh Brian... I know =( 31.5/50
Extension one..hahah heres a funny thing. We have like a trio thing going on between Lawrence Vincent and I. Vincent doesnt do extension 2 maths, and yet has beaten both me and lawrence in EVERY single maths test. hmmm.... 42/60.

lol...going to get band 6 for anything now. wtf.

my 420 day rap

weeds are weeds and weeds are a smoke ing weeds all the time every time i m alwyas a smokes wedds in my basket in my garden, weed s

... passing the mic to Jobbert

Monday, April 19, 2010


this is what i did instead of do my ext 1 work. its due tomorrow


I unplugged my external hard drive this morning. When I plugged it back in, it changed from M:/ (or whatever it was) to J:/. Now I need to re-add all 32gb of music.

dyu wanna just throw it to the neighbours?

So last night, I found this relatively large spider (compared to the ones I normally see around the house) and so me and Genny combined forces and captured the shit out of it.

Fun fact, on my first go at catching it, it actually jumped off the wall, and at first I thought I had it inside the container, but upon closer inspection, I realised it had actually jumped off the wall ONTO the container. Shit was scary.

My bed after we chucked lots of shit around my room looking for a cardboard surface to catch it with.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

gangbangers and mash

Veganbangers and mash and tomato sauce.

So normally today, I'd be attending the Bring It On! festival at Fairfield Showgrounds, which I've been attending for the past two years, but since Stephen and I are dedicated students, we decided to sit this one out and do some dumb fucking solid work.
So I woke up today at eleven with the intention of literally writing up a post (Fact number fifty-six for my hundred) on paper, scanning it, posting it, then getting to work at midday, only to discover that Stephen had actually JUST done that on his Tumblr, for a far more personal post than my music-themed one. Deciding to go through with it anyway, I tore out a piece of paper from one of my Ext 2 journals and began writing, except this somehow took about an hour without me finishing.
At ten past midday, getting really frustrated that I was behind schedule, I was about to start work when I realised that I hadn't eaten yet, so I decided that I would allow myself time to properly wake up and make breakfast, and begin work at 1. After getting out a pack of sausages from the fridge with the intention of making myself an eating hotdog, I cooked them, and then found out that I had no bread. Noticing a few potatoes on the counter beside me (that's where we keep our potatoes), I was struck with the idea of making bangers and mash. I finally started Ext English work at about 1 30, and I'm wondering why I resorted to sissy-blogging today.

TL;DR: I made myself bangers and mash. I've said 'bangers and mash' four times in this post.