Saturday, May 1, 2010

oh don't worry, i'll just pull some leaves and bark off that tree

My dinner. I thought it looked nice enough to take a photo of. It also tasted good - it was a refreshing change from the grass and leaves I normally have.


RE: major work report!‏
From:Young, Ann (
Sent:Saturday, 1 May 2010 8:54:19 AM
To:Mr Genvin Thirteen (
No attattchment Mr Genvin 13! Hard to look at that!
From: Mr Genvin Thirteen []
Sent: Friday, 30 April 2010 5:13 PM
To: Young, Ann
Subject: major work report!

hello miss
i know i should've done much more than this by now
but could you please give me some feedback for what i've got?
the stuff highlighted in yellow means i know it's not up to scratch / not complete
so could you maybe take a look at my intention (which feels short), audience, and the effects of two critical texts?
thanks in advance
by the way, your fairy costume thing was kinda cool

.. I waited like two days for that.

Day 4 - A song that makes you sad

Between the Bars - Elliott Smith
Ignore the bit of noise at the start, that's not really meant to be there. I've actually blogged about this song a lot already.

Nicest Thing - Kate Nash
Much sad to be had.

The End of the World - Girls
It's originally by Skeeter Davis. I know, I laughed too.

Cool sadlist, Genvin.

good luck, and don't dare give up, give it a little bit of vitriol, hey

In case you're wondering, I'll be taking Ext 2 breaks around roughly midnight, even though that's when I used to begin working in the holidays.

In case you're probably not wondering at all but I'll update you anyway, I'm on 3750 words for my draft, and no progress on the other bits. I didn't really wanna sleep til I got at least 4000 done, but I was actually sitting there, stuck, for an hour and ended up accidentally falling asleep and waking up around midnight and calling it a night.

Anyway, something that really weirded me out today. I was on the bus, and since Dannis cockteased me with the earphones he bought for me, I was really desperate for some form of headphone or earphone to listen to my music with (I lost my earphones a couple weeks ago, for anyone wondering) and so I borrowed Genny's mad DJ Douchebag ones.
So the first song I listened to was Vitriol by Bluejuice, but within a few seconds, something was bothering me - the song sounded really different to how I remembered it. At first I thought my iPods earphone jack was stuffed and was only picking up one side, but after checking around with a few other songs, I found they were fine. And it's not like this was one of the first times I'd heard the song properly either; in fact, I was listening to it yesterday as well. It's just for some reason, I was now hearing the song completely different, and what was bothering me was that it was nowhere near as catchy or enjoyable.
Still perplexed, I somehow reached the illogical conclusion that for some reason, it was just the file on my iPod that was somehow strange. To my very much a shocks, when I got home and played the song on iTunes, it sounded the exact same.
Reaching the conclusion that for some reason, my iTunes had done something to it, I YouTubed it instead, only to find that it was in fact not a problem on my end at all, and that was, in fact, just how the song sounded.
I am really confused as to why I started hearing it differently today.

Day 3 - A song that makes you happy

Since most of the songs I enjoy most are judged so because of how happy they make me feel, songs that make me happy might as well be synonymous with my favourite songs...

I was gonna go with Ordinary by the Red Riders, but since I've already blogged about that before, here's Little Secrets by Passion Pit. Higher and higher and higher.

Friday, April 30, 2010

tthhee ppaarrttyy

I feel like the next three or four days are going to be one of the most important three or four days in my life (relatively) - next Tuesday, I have my Ext 2 MW draft + a report due.
The report is 1500 words, and the draft has to be at least 75% completed, meaning about 4500 words.
I'm currently on 3200 words for my draft, and 700 on my report.
I've been struggling through this shit for about five weeks now, and now it finally feels like I'm on the home stretch. I was really doubting that I'd be able to finish a couple days ago, and was seriously considering dropping, but now that I find myself at more or less halfway finished, and with nothing to distract me and a plan of where I'm heading next with the story, I'm thinking I can do it.
I feel like I'm about to run a marathon - I've got five minutes until 5 o clock, which is the time I told myself I'd start working hardcore, for the next three days.

What's more is that I've got an Ext 1 seminar assessment on the Tuesday as well. I've finished it, but I need to cut down a lot.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 2 - Your least favourite song

I'm going to go with the really obvious answer here and say stupid generic 104.1-style pop choons. It sounds like Year 8 Gayvin talking, but really, I occasionally happen to tune in, and maybe half the songs I hear are maybe listenable - not memorable, just listenable - while the rest are just so generic that I am actually a little bit perplexed as to why so many people listen to it. Sure it's accessible and everything, but I'm pretty sure that if you gave me a radio tuned to a popular radio station, I'd be able to pick out a few songs that would sound more or less exactly like the shit they were playing like five years ago.
First songs that pop to mind, if you wanted something more specific, would be just about anything any Australian Idol winners put out.

Monday, April 26, 2010

why do the birds go on singing

57. As ridiculous as this sounds, I get a lot of my life lessons from the music I listen to. You might be thinking, Wow, that's probably why you're so fucking inept at handling things, but yeah.

This probably makes it even worse, but a lot of it comes from Deez Nuts. Not the bits about getting wasted and partying hard, just the 'STAY TRUE' and 'REP YOUR HOOD' bits.
Yourself, your friends, your family
Love where you're at, but fight for where you wanna be
Anybody who won't show you respect,
Just remember, only give what you get
.. I am really, really lame.
Also, the whole All Ages mentality of supporting local talent is, I think, really great.

Also, Break Even's latest album, The Bright Side. This one line, off the top of my head:
Light up the sky,
Make the most of your life,
Coz I don't wanna grow old, with no stories to tell
Seems potentially cliche and potentially obvious, but I really think about those lines a lot, and wonder if I'm indeed lighting up my sky.

I can't really be bothered finishing this post or making it very detailed or interesting


will probably be easier for me to finish since I am music.

1. Your favourite song
This is actually the most boring way you could start this challenge.
Favourite song changes etc,
here have this.

Girls - Lust For Life. It's got second highest play count on my, at 374.
Highest play count was Islands by the xx, at 416, but whatevz, Trevz.

Also, hur. I didn't even plan that, that just happened to be the number when I went onto my profile just then to check playcounts.

why does the sun go on shining

56. Elaborating a bit more on what I said in a previous fact, I would actually love to be surrounded by things created by my friends - this includes the more obvious idea of covering my walls in Quoc's and Jabbert's art and Katie's photos, as well as mad haircut by Stephen, Shove It shirts, and a range of other things that I can't remember right now. It doesn't even have to be really good; I'd love it for the fact that it was made by my friends, naww. That's not to say that Quoc's and Jibjab's art isn't good though, and same goes for Katie's photos, and.. mad haircut.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

who shot ya?

Also, in other news, I found out today that Hungry Jacks makes very fine veggie burgers. I'm not even being sissy, they taste far better than any veggie burger you can imagine. Scope that sheeyat.

mans haircutz