Thursday, May 7, 2009

lallalal llalala...

Thunder - Boys Like Girls -thursday
How to save a life - The Fray -friday
Remembering Sunday - All Time Low
You and Me - Lifehouse - yesterday

and hopefully Far Away - Nickelback -today =X

so steven mai gets css...

but no one plays it anymore...


gangbangers and mash

So today, Katie came over my place and we made beef muffins. Then we were gonna watch Aristocats, but the VCR wasn't plugged in. 

1.How far away is the last person you kissed?
Like, a while away

2.Has someone ever told you they would be with you forever?

3.Last person you were in the car with apart from family?
Rhonda Keophilaphet

4.Any plans for tomorrow?

5.How long does it take for you to take a shower?
Somewhere around 10 and 15 minutes

6.When is your birthday?
18 November, 1998

7.Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
if I get a lot of study done, yes

8.Did you kiss anyone friday?
no I did not

9.Ever thrown up in public?
kinda, I threw up in a carpark once coz I got all sick from the car-ride

10.What's on your mind RIGHT NOW?
AG. EXT ENG. MUSIC. In case anyone's interested, I'm doing Always With Me, Always With You by Joe Satriani, and my own arrangement of Just a Boy by Angus and Julia Stone

11.Who was the last person you talked to?
I don't really remember

12.What is the WORST subject they teach at school?
prawbz math, for me

13.Have you seen anyone lately that you don't get along with?
well i dunno, i get along with most people, or at least i like to think i do

14.What is your favorite color shirt to wear?
ive got tons of bleck shirts from previous years but I wear lots of plain white now

15.Have you ever been in a car accident?
a minor one

16.Whats the closest thing to you that's green?
train ticket

17.Where would you like to be right now?
i dunno, somewhere fun

18.Write down some lyrics to the song your listening to?
I.. don't really know any of the lyrics. Seven Notes in Bleck - High Contrast

19.How many dogs do you have?
like, three

20.Is anything bugging you right now?
the fact that i'm online when i should be hardcoring ag and ext eng. and to a lesser extent, music. im off in 15 minutes.

21.How is life going for you right now?
not really good nor bad

22.Is there someone you care about more than yourself?
err, i really dont know about that, im a selfish faggot

23.What made you laugh today?

24.What was the last movie you watched?
like.. pineapple express, or something

25.What's the last conversation you had about?

26.What were you doing at 7:00 this morning?
lying in bed, listening to teh radioz

27.Do you like your hair long or short?
well, long, but i look like a knob

28.Do you want to see somebody right now?
i want to be alone and study for ag

29.Do you like the rain?
maybe half the time, no

30.Do you think you'll have a Valentine this year?
its like way past febzz already

31.The last person you kissed needs you at 3 AM, would you go?
i can't imagine how they'd NEED me, so i dunno.. and theyd be kinda far

32.Would you honestly say you'd risk your life for someone else?
.. really dont know about that

33.Honestly, if you could go back 1 month and change something would you?
"I reckon everyone would"


34.How do you feel about girls smoking?
fucking disgusting

35.What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?
this morning, i was wondering what time it was

36. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months or more?

37.Do you forgive or forget?

38.Do you trust people?

39.What are you not looking forward to?
monday, but i spose the end of monday will be the beginning of long-awaited freedom

40.Do you get mad easily?

41.Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes?
i don't particularly remember

42.Do you have strange dreams?
kinda, when I remember them

43.Ever licked someone’s cheek or forehead?

44.Last time you fell asleep in someone’s arms?
i dont think that has ever happened

45.When did you last throw up?
i dunno, year 9 camp?

46.What do you have on you at all times?
phone, and wallet, to a lesser extent coz i forget it sometimes. i dont even know why id really need it, coz i never do need it

47.Would you go out in public without getting dressed up or put together?

48.Do you like fruity or minty gum?

49. Favourite musician or group?
got a boner to pick with you

50. Favourite film of all time?
i dunno, like.. harry potter 4, or lord of the rings, or gremlins

51. Favourite computer game?

52. First album you ever went and bought with your own money?
I think it was Are You Dead Yet by Children of Bodom

This quiz had 99 questions, but I'm gonna go study

camp camp camp!

uh huh

totally not wasted my time today.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

knifed up the bum

So while everyone is hardcoring their exams, I'm just sitting around feeding chips to cats. I think I should study, but I've got a whole week.

What is sitting on my table right now:
[things in inverted commas are books]
Soy and linseed crackers
Nail buffer
Train ticket (Cabramatta to Fairfield)
IKEA pencil
My phone
Empty glass
Rubber band
Stack of discs
iPod cable
Two usb hubs
Blank disc case
One Energizer battery
Blind Tricks and Tips DVD from Dannis
Championship Chess on PC disc
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets preview disc
Another rubber band
500gb external hard drive
UAC 2007 Guide
Big W catalogue
Gameboy Color
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets book. What a coincidence.
"Should You Be Laughing At This?"
Bostik Glue Stick. Not a blue one.
Paper cube Pokeball from cubeecrafts
Paper cube Domo
Paper cube Master Chiefs (A green one and a red one)
Paper cube Optimus Prime
"New Sushi"
1998 Sydney Street Directory
Rabbit elastics
T-way ticket
"Comic Artists - Asia"
Staedtler pigment liner
Metal ruler
Wooden ruler
Wadded up paper towel
Guitar Hero 3 case
GTA Vice City case
Resident Evil Outbreak case
Mini-Post-It dispenser. Yknow, like the ones Brian has on his notes.
The second Energizer battery
Black pen
Wall-E dvd
Imaginefx magazine
Yellow bullclip
Really old mp3 player
Large rubber
Paper cube Mario 1Up mushroom