Saturday, August 22, 2009

Where art thou deevan?

i was trekking through old photos and LOOKIE HERE. WOW. ALL THE WAY FROM KOREA.

the secret zooper doopers

Today me and Genny popped out to the shops to buy some gummy lollies. We spent 45 minutes in there because we had $2.60 and were 10c short of just about everything. After checking the other aisles for stuff we might be able to afford, we discovered something that we hadn't previously noticed.

On top, you see the Zooper Doopers we used to have. On the bottom, however... Galactic Grape? Solar Sherbet? Beaming Banana? I felt like I had accidentally stepped into an alternate universe. Genny and I looked at each other. We both knew we had discovered something tremendous. Something fantastic, but at the same time, something dangerously earth-moving. We both left the aisle, returned to the gummy lollies, bought a pack, and left the store.

Friday, August 21, 2009


It's not backwards, it's just in the mirror.
Stuffed up the transfer (its peeling off at the edges) but I've got that sorted now.
$9.00, not $20

Thursday, August 20, 2009

this is what we did at eastland supermarket

Mice on Vegemite on toast.

Just a serving suggestion.

mi goreng pedo


thats my pile of stuff to be sorted over the weekend =D
but thats what I've been saying for the past 3 weeks D=...

This 7 day week:
Economics due 27th
Chemistry Assessment 27th
French Module 3 part 2 21st
French Module 3 part 3 24th
Philosophy readings 25th
Complex Numbers...zzzzzzz so so so lame D=
Two Piano songs 24th
French Speaking 24th

Other Dates:
French Yearlies 10th
Talent Quest 8th
Philosophy Essay 15th
Art Essay ..err Quoc...?

LIFE IS NOW PRIORITISED. where to begin..xD

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

shit and piss

This is what Stephen and Dannis did in the toilets at Maccas before we went to the barbecue on Saturday.

perfect cell vs super saiyan norman

by Genvin and Stephen and Robert.

rebelz without a cause


Monday, August 17, 2009


omfg wing it tomorrow LOL

This relationship has turned to nothing.

Wish upon a shooting star for a heightened contemplation of suicide.

blah blah.
So today was again one of those days where it just doesn't go as well as you might want it to.
I woke up at 6:56 to be precise, due to my erratic sleeping pattern and false faith in the alarm.
The alarm was set to 7am, for weekends. One entire hour later than usual.. which inevitably caused a shithouse morning.

Today I decided to check up why I got 7/15 for my speech. I guess I am still recoiling from the fact that I have an excellent track record for speeches. Her consultation was.. somewhat brief. She simply re-instated what little she wrote on my feedback sheet. I got what I wanted though, which was confirmation of what I already knew was wrong with my speech. She said that my links weren't clear enough, and that most of the time ( although I had great pace, tone etc.. ) she couldn't make out what I was trying to get at.
To be honest, I'm exaggerating my devastation at this mark. Sure, when I got it, I was extremely cut. But when I wrote it, I knew that I wasn't going to get very high. I knew that the text I had chosen was a hit or miss. So really, to those of you who offered support and " re-evaluations " I thank you. But this wasn't totally undeserved. To put it into perspective to those of you who were expecting something great again like last year, although I wrote it the night before, I did start notes a week in advance. Hence a relatively high 19/20. I cannot say the same about this task.

In other news, I am well. Jana pulled out a white hair of the many I seem to be getting these days. French is going well. I think 80% is achievable with a little more work ethic. haha.. looking back at the start of the year, I still in the same position as I was all throughout my school career. Cramming for tests the night before, angsty in every way possible, over analysing and always on the verge of giving up.
Infact, I am quite the coward. Afraid of the rejection, seeing through the ignorance with might have granted me peace. Today was a horrible mistake. might just get $50 after all =X

As you can see, no you can't

As I was getting ready to leave for the bus this morning, I thought I'd check when I had to present my extension seminar. To my shock and horror and a little bit of amusement, I discovered it was today. After making sure I had my transcript saved on my USB, I left the house, expecting to catch a later bus. To my delight, my regular bus was late this morning, which is great, because normally bus-related things don't work out for me in the mornings.
Anyway, then I realised I didn't have my Powerpoint saved on my USB, and presented without, ta-daa.

Pic unrelated.

watch out, he's possessed to skate

Sunday, August 16, 2009


My jeans were too tight and they ripped my scab open.