Thursday, July 9, 2009


Oh right, and Vivians too. Stephen was looking pretty slick in his photo as well. 
I was gonna post this other picture but turns out blorgs don't really sort GIFs too well. 

Meant to be in bed..

I dont think its that funny, but hell, the idea of the oatmeal hammer is crazy ^^

Monday, July 6, 2009

But Luckily..

I have this other keyboard.. of which some of you have seen pictures of. Never know when it might come in handy right? ( Like NOW )

So here is an update on my life.. I suppose I'll start making all my posts into a simlar kind of format.. for as long as a can. Systematic = Organised. *shrug*

Well I guess musical is over.. which is kind of bittersweet, seeing as that I wont be having quite as much fun per week as I did.. Then again.. I wouldn't have so much more down time as well.

Chemisty is over and done with..
Im making progress with french..
Maths is also over...

annnd yeah school is going to be out soon.

So during English today, I decided to ask courtney to the informal.. she said yes.
But im quite sure neither of us were serious ^^

Other than that.. I realised that I am a text addict now ( THANK YOUUUUUU. ) I was comparing the number of text messages during chem with roderick and patrick.. Roderick at 225 since the start of the year.. patrick at 300 ( i think? ) since the start of the year, and Im at about 290 for 2 months. YAAAAAAYY

Oh.. I got my stuff in the mail. Stuff that Mr Norris was meant to send out to USYD.. which I hope that he has faxed through.. even though it has only the postal address. So I guess I'll visit him again tomorrow.. to check.

Now that the last week is over, I can't wait for this week to be over.. Actually I dont.. since.. I would love to speend more time @ football and iceskating. OMG, which btw everyone, Im teaching billy cai how to skate,.. and that guy is kickass. Yes, I am also friends with him ( year7/8 buddies =D ) so whatevs. But yeah, we were trying to do the skid stops.. where you skid with your skate ..stopping really quick and sending up ice.. looks MADDD.


Right, so I want this week to be over so that I can start cleaning my room. Yeah its trashed and has been for about a month now...pretty much ever since I started losing my grip on things. Yes, I have to clean my room at the end of the week.. It sorta preps me for the new week, in that, the old week is in the past, tidied up and packed away with room for another.

Also.. my phone is dying. Gotta find another bigger screen protector

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Dan Mumford

I think it looks kinda cool


Maths Assessment

Musical is over!

I am feeling somewhat bittersweet about it all.

Another thing though..

I have used a record amount of money ( $69.05 ) in just a week ( a bit over ) out of my $150 cap.
