Saturday, July 25, 2009


Two days ago, I wrecked my knee. When I got home, I didn't put any antiseptic or bandaids on it because all I had was insect-bite cream, and for the past two days I've been worried about getting it infected. Earlier today, I looked at the insect-bite cream box, and as it turns out, it was NOT, in fact, insect-bite cream, and it was, in fact, DETTOL ANTISEPTIC CREAM. Underneath that it says that it FIGHTS INFECTION and helps prevent re-infection. The back of the box also says:
- that it is RECOMMENDED FOR TREATING CUTS, SCRATCHES, ABRASIONS, insect bites, minor burns, sunburn, sore lips, minor skin infections, itchy skin,
- contains TWO POWERFUL ANTISEPTIC INGREDIENTS in a gentle formulation.

In conclusion, I am the best.


Kuoke said...

Does anyone even get infected anymore? I haven't directly known anyone who has. Ever.

patdick said...

you are a fayget

Buxton said...

mad click on patdick.