Sunday, July 19, 2009


Today is actually what I consider some half-pleasant weather (it's nice, but because of the shadows, the entire day has felt like late afternoon, which bothers me). It'd be a really nice day to go out, but instead I'm stuck at home, typing up my Extension Gothic seminar with blisters on my thumbs, sipping a banana vanilla smoothie and listening to Frenzal Rhomb. Just earlier, I mowed both front and back lawn so I could pay Genny back the $35 I owe her. My parents give me about $30 every time I mow the lawn. Ridiculous? I know.
Also, it doesn't particularly help that I was planning to do a Powerpoint with my seminar, but as it turns out, I don't have it on my computer.

(This happened yesterday too.)

edit: why's my font different? also, i think stephen ripped a hole in his jeans there.


Anonymous said...


Buxton said...

i dont even get paid to mow the lawn.