Friday, June 12, 2009


As you can see, I've dropped the idea of writing my blogs on paper first and then scanning them. I might do it from time to time if I can be bothered, which I won't be, but now I quite like the idea of using more photos in my blorgs, coz I've been taking more photos with the camera on my mobile telephone this year. Not just of my pets. So I spose that's what I'll do for now. Guess I won't be needing a jacket.

I used to make jokes and tell people that I was making beef muffins when people asked me what I'm doing on the weekend, because I didn't think savoury muffins existed.

"Forward, and right! Freeing myself like a butcher!"
Not many people will get this. This is the toy thingy outside the candybar at Greater Union Liverpool.

A filthy piece of shit on the train. There are skid marks off the seat, look at that.

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