IS SRS BIDNIT. My calculator actually dies on me sometimes, but all I have to do is smack it against something and it starts working again. Steph was repping that calculator when she was doing math in high school, so I'm actually amazed the battery hasn't ever completely depleted.
2 - iTunes
because I'm into using shitty programs. I've got Windows Media Player, Winamp, I even downloaded Foobar the other day, but yet I cling to this piece of shit like chewing gum made of barnacles. In other news, though, I made myself a new playlist to get me through the exams - two playlists, actually. One's made of chill songs that helps me keep calm (if I'm not being a fag and listening to rain loops). It's called Wattle Grove, because it's actually the nicest place in the SW and the atmosphere around that lake is amazing. The other playlist is just all the new music I've downloaded.
because I'm into using shitty programs. I've got Windows Media Player, Winamp, I even downloaded Foobar the other day, but yet I cling to this piece of shit like chewing gum made of barnacles. In other news, though, I made myself a new playlist to get me through the exams - two playlists, actually. One's made of chill songs that helps me keep calm (if I'm not being a fag and listening to rain loops). It's called Wattle Grove, because it's actually the nicest place in the SW and the atmosphere around that lake is amazing. The other playlist is just all the new music I've downloaded.
3 - Cat
Okay, this isn't really the 'typical' smeg workstation - normally he's nestled happily on my lap, but if he's nestled happily on my lap, how am I to take photos? That's what I've noticed lately - if he's not annoying the shit out of me for food, and not rolling around on his back outside (he sleeps on my bed at night), his life's goal seems to be to plant himself onto my lap and sleep, while probably getting patted because he's snuggly. Just earlier, when I was sitting in front of the heater, he jumped onto my lap and settled down. I got up shortly afterwards because I was hungry, and now that I'm on the computer, he's on my lap again. Maybe it's a magnetic effect. Imagine if I could attract cats with my thighs - I'd go save a few cats from the shelter and wear them as belts. Fur is dead, but not in this case.
Okay, this isn't really the 'typical' smeg workstation - normally he's nestled happily on my lap, but if he's nestled happily on my lap, how am I to take photos? That's what I've noticed lately - if he's not annoying the shit out of me for food, and not rolling around on his back outside (he sleeps on my bed at night), his life's goal seems to be to plant himself onto my lap and sleep, while probably getting patted because he's snuggly. Just earlier, when I was sitting in front of the heater, he jumped onto my lap and settled down. I got up shortly afterwards because I was hungry, and now that I'm on the computer, he's on my lap again. Maybe it's a magnetic effect. Imagine if I could attract cats with my thighs - I'd go save a few cats from the shelter and wear them as belts. Fur is dead, but not in this case.
4 - Mathematics
makes me asthmatics, got me wheezing like an addictz. Can I move from guitar to rapping in our hip hop krew now guys? No, really though, math does my head in. Apparently my grandad was an accountant back in the day, but shit obviously ended with my dad because he's horrible with numbers too.
makes me asthmatics, got me wheezing like an addictz. Can I move from guitar to rapping in our hip hop krew now guys? No, really though, math does my head in. Apparently my grandad was an accountant back in the day, but shit obviously ended with my dad because he's horrible with numbers too.
5 - Plate of food
I shouldn't eat while I work since I just end up eating, but with all the bubbles and squeaking to be had, and cheesy-bread, and etc, who can resist?
I shouldn't eat while I work since I just end up eating, but with all the bubbles and squeaking to be had, and cheesy-bread, and etc, who can resist?
Everyone, but yeah. The plate hasn't got any food on it in the photo by the way, you can stop jamming your F5. You weren't.
6 - Caffeine
Caffiend, more like. Anyone who knows me knows how pissed off I get in the mornings when I've woken up late and haven't had time to make myself a slick double espresso. I remember just a week ago I'd been staying up late cramming for exams, and didn't have time for my coffee in the morning, and I'd get all withdrawy.
Caffiend, more like. Anyone who knows me knows how pissed off I get in the mornings when I've woken up late and haven't had time to make myself a slick double espresso. I remember just a week ago I'd been staying up late cramming for exams, and didn't have time for my coffee in the morning, and I'd get all withdrawy.
These are jokes, I'm actually not huge on caffeine at all. I bought this bottle of V coz it was on sale for a dollar seventy, and regretted it a bit once I got all jittery, which I really hate. I'll admit though, it did possibly play a part in me cramming my 1500 word essay to a finish. EVEN THOUGH I COULDN'T FUCKIN REPLICATE TODAY
your grandfather was also half english, clearly that ended with you too.
i mean, 'vege patty'?
it's bubble and squeak, boy!
i'll bubble you in a minute.
word veri: relati, which is related to you
you forgot the under eye concealer. its essential for a over nighter , because you look refreshed you will FEEL refreshed. FACT.
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