Monday, July 13, 2009

Third day of the holidays: Me, Stephen and Dannis

SO, third day of the holidays!
Dannis arrived at my house at about 10:10 
ish, and after I ate some bacon and eggs dear, and after my mum forced Dannis to drink her milk tea, and after my mum held us up for five minutes outside the house explaining how to get to Stephens (I KNOW HOW TO GET THERE. AND ITS NICE OF HER, BUT REALLY MUM, I DONT KNOW THE NAMES OF ANY ROADS), we departed.
Since we took a little over eight hours to get to Stephens house last time, we decided to go on a different route this time. We were skating down towards Hinchinbrook T-way station when this happened:

After using my sisters bag strap to fish it out, we continued on our journey to Stephens house, which was filled with you're mad, chormad, who's mad, jaimad and more good taste in humour. When we arrived at Stephens, we were let inside, and we patted his dogs. Turns out Stephen punches his dogs in the face instead of patting them. After a while Stephen said he was hungry so we skated down to Maccas. Me and Dannis weren't that hungry so we split $2.60 each, ordered winter rolls and told Jess Ho about Dannis' concerns about the Glue store. When we finished eating, we rolled over to the bowl and Dannis introduced me and Stephen to the other sk8r bois. We made friends with a 13-year-old kid who doesn't go to school. 

Kid: Oh I don't go to school.
Me: What?
Kid: I don't go school.
Us: Wait how old are you?
Kid: Thirteen.
Dannis: Oh WOW, you HAVE A FUTURE.

After more exchanging of nice conversation, I sat down for a sec and LONG STORY SHORT I ended up with shit on my fingers. 

After a while, we left, and hung around on the side of the T-way trying to ollie. I want to kill myself because I can't. When we got exhausted we skated back to Stephens, I can't be bothered finishing this post. 


Unknown said...

wait what fell down the drain ? o_o


Buxton said...

i shouldve went. wouldnt just get dogged.

C. said...

you should've added that you called me. or i called you. cant remember.