On the final day of our three-month holidays, Dannis, Lawrence and I found ourselves sitting in my backyard, trying to figure out how we'd be spending our last precious few hours as carefree, stupid teenagers on summer holiday before jumping into the responsible, mature world of university life. With the weather having cooled down, sunset in roughly three hours, and an array of both motorised and non-motorised vehicles at our disposal, we basically had the rest of the evening to do whatever the hell we felt like doing.
So how to spend these last golden hours? An extreme bike adventure in Carnes Hill with the Glory-Hole Jeans? Invite ourselves to dinner with Courtney and her mum at Cooks Hill? Maybe a chilled dinner sesh at the Light of India featuring Kat, Kash, and the A-lister? Or perhaps we were to pull an Anna James Vo, steal my parents' car and let Dannis take us to Auburn with his twelve hours of driving experience to watch our boyz in the Belleh basketball team? As you can see, the possibilities were (very vaguely close to) endless, and all very legitimate ways to spend our last day on holiday. We hurriedly left the house shortly afterwards, spirits high and full of reckless youthful adrenalin, though only after Dannis had stolen some of my sisters' clothes from the clothesline and put them on.
However, somehow, an hour later, we found ourselves eating pizza on the kerb in an empty ALDI carpark, doing none of the above things. As we dejectedly tried to figure out what we were supposed to be doing for the following few hours, we spied a used, piss-stained nappy sitting on the ground a few metres away from us...
Here is what happened after that.

... here's a video, in case you didn't get the idea already.
Somehow, amidst throwing the nappy at each other's faces and all the vomit-tinged hysteric laughter that followed, we were struck with the very magnificent idea of leaving the now-further-defiled nappy in the ice cream section at Woolworths, supposedly for people to accidentally purchase, under the impression that they were buying ice cream. On the way there, we stopped by some public toilets for the Freshmaker to find that the only one that wasn't closed for cleaning was the Parents / Baby changeroom. Inside, we were struck by how different Parent rooms are from regular toilets, equipped with strange little cubicles that contained nothing in each but a brown squishy armchair, and took the time to explore and dick around, though we left soon after Dannis accidentally opened up a cabinet that turned out to be a used nappy disposal bin and almost vomited from the stench of baby shit. After stumbling out and gagging, we made our way to Woolworths, vomit-nappy in Dannis' bag and trying our best to suppress our laughter.
oh my god what is the link for this video?
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