Monday, May 31, 2010

Dear Stephen

I've got so so much more knowledge to pass on
and I feel like time is running out

So what do?


Deevan said...

You're not dying

Kuoke said...

"At times like these you start thinking
Your first breath in and the clock starts ticking
I'm not trying to bum anyone out
Not trying to be dramatic
just thinking out loud"

Deevan said...

Quoc if you're going to correct me on this shit I'm gunna get Grammar-Nazi on your ass

Kuoke said...

On what? I copied that straight off a site.

Deevan said...

I thought that was a retaliation to "you're not dying", by which I meant You're not dying as quickly as others but uggh logical phalluses and everything

Kuoke said...

...Yeah, it was. It was also a quote.