Sunday, June 28, 2009

Things I Love.

I love trying to cook something, and it coming out perfectly

I love it when I'm listening to my music on shuffle, and I hear and love a song I've never heard before

I love playing guitar

I love playing in my band

I love those ag lessons where we went outside and walked around (I don't do ag anymore, though)

I love watching DVDs to death

I love listening to music and reading comics, worry-free

I love standing on rooftops

I love watching the sunrise

I love waking up early and feeling fantastic

I love unproductive days away from the Internet

I love when people appreciate something I've said

I love feeling like I belong somewhere

I love sitting by Patrick's pool at night

I love those deep conversations over MSN, late at night

I love my friends

I know how stupid this sounds, but I just wanted to see how many positive things I could think of.


Kuoke said...

Loving something isn't necessarily a 'positive' thing.


Anonymous said...

YEh it is!! =P

Kuoke said...
