Saturday, June 4, 2011


I'm sure I've mentioned this in previous posts, but as a recap - basically, every week for my Arts1090 course (Media, Culture, and Everyday Life), we learn about a new concept related to Media, and then do a blog post about the concept we learnt that week. We're also supposed to read other people's posts and comment on them and build up a nice little sense of community and bonding too, but that rarely really happens, so I got really genuinely excited when I checked my inbox to see that I had a comment pending approval for my latest post.

.. oh.


dannwas said...

so did you publish it

ughhhhhhhh said...


genvinout said...

decided it'd probably most likely be a better idea not to.
it's okay Blosia - I laughed for a lot longer than I should've when I read it. dead mite.