Sunday, May 8, 2011

she kissed my cheek, don't pull away

Lol sorry for the lack of posts, I've just been so busy with the workload for my Arts degree! What workload? Ohhhh, you got me. Anyway, a few weeks ago, Jordan Bush was meant to come to Sydney so we could write songs, but couldn't make it, leaving me with Dannis' drumkit, which I've been dicking around on and teaching myself to drum with. I'm very truly surprisingly shit at it - I can't keep in time, who would've ever even thought? - but I've been using them to write shitty dumb surf songs that I alone will enjoy and basically everyone else will pretty much hate. Just to clear up any ambiguity, that bit about being surprised about how I can't keep in time is a joke - my timing has always been massively shitty, even after hours of practice with a metronome. I'd be the worst prostitute ever. Looking for a good time? Probably don't even bother hey, I'm hopeless.

I really hope people can tell that I'm kidding when I say stuff about how I'm the best and everything when I actually mean pretty close to the total opposite. I tell people in my MDIA1002 tutorials that I think I'm very important and everyone wants to be my friend if they're not already because I'm really popular, and I'm not sure they realise I'm kidding. This probably explains why I don't have many friends in my MDIA1002 tutorial.
Also, I came home the other day to find this image replacing Piggy Smalls as my wallpaper. Needless to say, Pusheen.tumblr has been a ridiculously massive source of amusement for me recently. By the way, is there a name for the warm gay fuzzing feeling you get inside when you look at really cute stuff?

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