Tuesday, June 29, 2010

free-flow summertimes and shoegaze winters

I don't know if anyone else gets this, but the music I listen to normally depends on the weather. Obviously that's not the only thing - obviously if I'm in a shit mood I'll be repping something different - but when I'm scrolling through my (HORRIBLY OVERLOADED) iTunes, trying to figure out what it is I feel like listening to, a glance at the window is probably a pretty good indication.
It basically comes down to this - sunny weather normally entails happy, free-flowing summer tunes, while colder weather makes me want to fuzz my ears over and stifle my brain with walls of introverted, FX-laden static.
It's most probably something to do with the fact that I've got romanticised, preconceived notions of how I'm supposed to be spending my summer and winter, as everyone does. Everyone knows you're supposed to be spending summer soaking up the sunshine on a beach with friends, or, as the case is in my brain, soaking up the sunshine just about anywhere with friends, as long as the sky is vivid blue and riddled with the perfect, fluffy clouds you see in things like Pixar films. Accordingly, it only makes sense that happy fun summer choons, like this one:

I know I gave the impression that summer choons couldn't be fuzzy, but the whole summery vibe is what I'm really getting at.

dominate my On-the-Go playlists in January. For further, you could refer to Lust For Life by Girls, which I've no doubt posted on this blog about a trillion times, or you could just refer to just about every single twee song ever written, ever.

Conversely, in winter, I'm supposed to be cold and miserable, and making myself mug upon mug of tea, and crying in my room, and trying to be Robert Smith, and shivering a lot. That's what winter is for, right? I understand that tons of other people probably think of winter as a time to snuggle up in warm blankets with rain pouring outside, watching movies with hot, buttery popcorn, but for some reason it's never really been the first thing to pop into mind. Or maybe I'm just saying that because I'm ridiculously cold right now, and listening to the Cure, and shivering slightly. Anyway, it only makes sense to load your brain up in winter with the crazy walls of sound you find in shoegaze.

Lumina's cover of the song posted just above. Not shoegaze, but I sure as hell wouldn't throw this on any summer playlists.

... never mind, I just realised how ridiculously retarded this is - of course people listen to summer choons in the summer, that's why they're called summer tunes.

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