Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dear Stephen

This morning I woke up with a sigh. The not the sort of usual sigh I make, realising that I have to go to school early again - again. No, really it was the sort of sigh one makes in the situation where you're sighing, because the deflation in your chest matches the feeling inside it.
I got a message not long after that, by which it patched me right up.
Right up I got out of bed.
So once again Stephen, I set my self up again. You know the kind of set up, the kind of silly gestures which give rise to the kind of endings, that only ever actually occur in our wildest fantasies. You know how I don't give up easily. Stupidly, caught in my own rat race towards some kind of happiness.
Set up again.
Today I brought two forks and a tub, just like before Stephen. It wasn't too long ago that I did - Do you remember? You wouldn't actually, I didn't tell you about it.
I made two sandwiches, Jana would've been surprised haha. She would've wanted some too, egg and mayo with baby lettuce and spinach leaves. So, the salad was pretty nice, and the egg didn't go off at all! Infact, the bread didn't even get as soggy as I feared. Didn't get soggy at all actually.

Even though it was eaten during economics.

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