Friday, July 31, 2009


You know what, stuff this "5 week ban" which I imposed on myself. I'll just get more distracted thinking about it rather than spending the few moments of which to compose some literary work.

Anyway, in art we're to research into a field/style/movement of art. I got Abstract Expressionism and Colour Field Painting. Abstract Expressionism...well the artworks which fall under the category are pretty diverse in terms of composition and strokes. Colour Field Paintings are in my opinion really quite nice. Especially that of Mark Rothko and his work titled " Number 14". ( to the right)


No. 14, 1960

The docent asked how it made us feel,
A pallette of red, darkness.
Heads bobbed in unison.
Their assumptions soon validated
By the guide's eager gossip,
Your late-life suicide.

As the group's feet echoed
Unenthusiastically into another atrium
I stood, transfixed with warmth,
Alone in the pure passion -
Your painting.

Emotion framed on canvas.
A scraggly, fading rectangle surrounded
By a deep crimson darkness.

Life is simple and messy and pure.

-J.D. Nielsen"

Anyway, we've got this powerpoint due for Mondays presentation. I did it this morning, since, all we had to do was stick in two artworks from the movements we were assigned. I didn't know we had to label them and such, so I spent todays art period doing that. Well... attempting to I guess. I know I talked through most of it, looked through Harriets folder and pencil case, Quoc and I sharing crazy-people stories.

So the consequence was that, with the little time that I had left, I had to find my artworks which I found this morning. Which, wasn't particularly easy seeing as almost everything was blocked, and so when I found the artwork, I couldn't access the website providing details. With 5 minutes to the bell I decided, you know what, I choose different ones. EVEN IF I DONT LIKE THEM. D=

When I found them, labeled and stuff. I couldn't put them onto a CD. IT HAS TO BE ON A CD WTF. So like, the bell went 5 mins ago, and I'm stuck in room 15 trying to put a stupid powerpoint onto a cd. blehhhhhh ><. I realise I deserve it though =X

So I sprinted down towards the train station, get stopped by Ms Thomas - something about my brothers squad date being reset - continue running...and quite amazingly, I see my normal train! haha, it mustve come late today. I could've made it, if it werent for the drone of the amazingly slow crowd on the stairs. So I gave up.

Man I'm killing myself these days. I realised I haven't eaten lunch for 2 years now. Except for the occasional chicken tender roll I buy. Argh, maths fail. =(

So, here is the actual thing you want to look at when you clicked on this post.


C. said...

thought you werent blogging no more...

Julie Nguyen ♔ said...