Monday, May 11, 2009

briaaaan i want thaat onneeeeeeee

So! Last day of exams, and I feel great coz I don't have to stress over exams or anything anymore. I still have extension english to do though, but I'll worry about that after CAMP.
Sissy blog, apparently.
So today I woke up, showered, did my hair and whatnot, grabbed my two guitars and caught the bus to school. When I got there I talked to Bob about ag and we went places and asked people ag-related things. Then we went down near the hall and sat on the seats with Courtney, Lynh and Dale, where we studied some moar. Later, a bunch of people from the train came, including Stephen, then Kevin Nguyen and Jenn and Blosia. We studied more then entered the exam. It wasn't that hard. After the examiner said to put pens down, Lawrence said to me, 'DUDE, whats this one?' And I said, I dont know, I think it's Fungi, and he said, is it? And so he wrote it. 
Three minutes into reading time, I dropped my paper and thought, 'SHIIIIIT. I didn't bring my backing track for music prac.'

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