Anyway, as I mentioned a while ago, I've been writing a bunch of songs, a process which has been sped up ever since I borrowed Dannis' drumkit, and since I have nothing to do now that I'm on break and most people still aren't, I've been finishing them off and recording them. This actually takes ages since I still can't play drums for shit and I'm not a very good singer (or musician, in general), but I finally got round to finishing one today, hurray! It's not actually perfect yet - there are still lots of bits where I go out of time - so I'm planning to re-record this sometime next week, as well as a few of the other ones I've been working on.
As with just about everything else I write (Garage Bear, for example), I don't imagine that many people will really get into it, but I personally like them a lot, which I think is what writing music should be about.
Here's some album art that I've been working on too to go with. I figured people really like Animal Collective, so it might encourage people to like my music too. Same goes for kissing and sunshine. Probably not so much a slug threesome, but y'know.
.. just to clarify, Deaf Leopard is the name of the project, as well as this song.
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