Saturday, May 14, 2011

G, L+S

First time ever out at the World Bar - after seeing Dune Rats, realising that the guitarist for Chicks Who Love Guns (far right) is actually this guy I see in my arts1090 lectures all the time, seeing a girl get hit by a car, after which said car tried to flee the scene only to reach a traffic light about ten metres down, miraculously bumping into Alissa's birthday crew just in time for a collective Nightride bus crew, and then finally getting home (Matt's place, in this case) at five in the morning, I can say it left a pretty good first impression. I know I got really off-topic there, but I think conclusion is that it was a pretty grand night.

Friday, May 13, 2011


the real bb

I brought my camera with me to uni last Friday to do a real quick photoshoot (inside a furniture store) with Bacon for the MDIA1002 article that I posted a few days ago, but unfortunately I took it out during a wedge break at the Q-lounge and we thought it'd be sick to take a bunch of happy snaps and I ended up running out of battery. If I end up losing marks for having a balls photo, this is probably the reason why. Ta-da!

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Everyone always kids around about how Arts degrees are full of shit and won't get you anywhere. Just in case this already-overplayed joke (half not joke) needs any more perpetuating, here's some stuff I did for linguistics homework the other week - question 8 specifically. For anyone who can't be bothered really trying to figure what this means, what it very simply means is:
eg. Widow, Mother, Mother, Sister, Aunt, Maid are all FEMALE.'

Wait, but like, Genvin, isn't that literally very close to what Year 1 children do in class? Yes, pretty much. Prospects.


How extremely complementary to Vegan Black Metal Chef.

In our modern digital era, phrases like 'upcoming, hot new talent' really get thrown around a lot. Every artist and his mum is the hot new upstart, supposedly fast on the rise to widespread recognition. However, a problem lays in the fact that however talented any hot new talent is, much of this is just rhetorical, puffed up hyping. The majority of the artists that were being lauded as the saviours of [x] genre, or [y] scene merely a year ago have since faded back into a sort of obscure, grey status, once again becoming just another local band backed only by their tight, devoted, almost cult following. It is because of this sort of 'overexposing' of supposed innovation and talent that the concept of the magnitude of real talent has since been largely diminished.

It is with this mindset that we welcome innovators such as Stephen Pham.

Responsible for this very blog's own new header [The Angel Fallen From Hell, 2011], Stephen something I don't know, I have uni work to do.

This is a pretty decent representation (loosely) of my web design lecturer, who, incidentally, is also named Stephen. I showed this to my sister and she said it looked terrifying because of his cold serial killer face.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Don't know if I ever posted this, so here it is just in case - my major work for Extension 2, which is about a woman who breaks out of her shitty grey office life with the aid of a talking cat. In theory I should love it, but I had a go at reading it again a few months after I finished writing it, and got bored halfway through and didn't bother reading the rest. You probably won't either. Click the image to download.

The Night Shift.

[Here is some subpar shit I wrote about Bacon for my Media Industry Contexts course feat. a very grainy photo of Bacon swagging it out in a furniture store. Unfortunately I got self-conscious after I looked at some of the submissions from other people and their photos were actually real good, and so since I didn't have time to sus a new photoshoot, I took photos of Genny instead and changed up the article to suit. Sorry Jacopo. You can view what I finally submitted here. Here's the article.]

The Night Shift.

Most university students might count themselves lucky if they manage a few decent hours of sleep every night, but they probably haven’t met Jake Bacon. Literally not sleeping at all on most nights, it’s a rare occasion if he even manages a few hours of sleep per week. Ridiculous studyload? Not quite – Jake is an insomniac.

Though seemingly a vastly exhausting condition, Jake insists that it’s not as draining as it seems.

“I do get a little bit tired, but it gets to this stage where you just get used to it,” he explains. “I can sometimes drift off for a few hours if I’ve had a huge day, but when I wake up, I end up feeling more tired than when I don’t sleep at all.”

Typically spending most nights with a bass guitar, laptop and recording microphone, Jake hones and develops extended, complex pieces of music while the rest of the world sleeps. His dark, brooding compositions are reflective of the otherwise silent midnight setting he crafts them in. He has written over two hundred.

“I can’t really make anything too loud, or it’ll wake people up,” he says.

His insomnia, however, is only one part of his wider condition – Jake suffers from Tourette’s Syndrome, a disorder causing frequent involuntary body twitches and spasms, or ‘tics,’ as they are more properly known. It was these tics, he reveals, that originally sparked his passion for creating music.

“A lot of people with Tourette’s turn to music to help them deal with it - the tics don’t come as often when you’re concentrating on something, so I decided to buy a bass guitar one day, and haven’t looked back since.”

His tics, though, have not always been so productively dealt with. Describing them as a source of embarrassment and shame in his younger years, Jake initially battled self esteem issues as he struggled to manage his twitches in social situations.

“It massively affected my confidence for ages… I had trouble looking people in the eye because I thought it would hide my tics,” he remembers. “I had trouble meeting new people and was really introverted.”

A considerable portion of his embarrassment, he explains, stemmed from the social stigma normally associated with the disorder.

“It’s a really negative stereotype. People associate it with swearing and yelling, and something to be ridiculed,” he says, then adds with a tired smile, “Especially if they’ve watched that South Park episode about it.”

Despite this, Jake has gradually grown to embrace his disorder as just another part of his identity, and accordingly, has found a much stronger sense of self confidence. This change, he says, was one that was strongly encouraged by the unwavering support of his close family and friends.

“My family and friends have always been fantastic about it, even though I can be annoying to sit around and watch TV with – I’m always moving around in the corner of everyone’s eyes,” he says. “I even feel comfortable enough to make jokes about it sometimes.”

Jake now finds himself largely grateful for his condition, something most would consider an enormous burden – not only for the important lessons it has taught him about self-acceptance, but for the enormous impact it has had on his passion for creating music.

“I’ve even started to show people some of the songs I’ve written, and they’ve actually really enjoyed them!” he says enthusiastically. “I guess I have my Tourette’s to thank for that, for sparking my love for music and creative expression. I’m actually glad for it.”

she kissed my cheek, don't pull away

Lol sorry for the lack of posts, I've just been so busy with the workload for my Arts degree! What workload? Ohhhh, you got me. Anyway, a few weeks ago, Jordan Bush was meant to come to Sydney so we could write songs, but couldn't make it, leaving me with Dannis' drumkit, which I've been dicking around on and teaching myself to drum with. I'm very truly surprisingly shit at it - I can't keep in time, who would've ever even thought? - but I've been using them to write shitty dumb surf songs that I alone will enjoy and basically everyone else will pretty much hate. Just to clear up any ambiguity, that bit about being surprised about how I can't keep in time is a joke - my timing has always been massively shitty, even after hours of practice with a metronome. I'd be the worst prostitute ever. Looking for a good time? Probably don't even bother hey, I'm hopeless.

I really hope people can tell that I'm kidding when I say stuff about how I'm the best and everything when I actually mean pretty close to the total opposite. I tell people in my MDIA1002 tutorials that I think I'm very important and everyone wants to be my friend if they're not already because I'm really popular, and I'm not sure they realise I'm kidding. This probably explains why I don't have many friends in my MDIA1002 tutorial.
Also, I came home the other day to find this image replacing Piggy Smalls as my wallpaper. Needless to say, Pusheen.tumblr has been a ridiculously massive source of amusement for me recently. By the way, is there a name for the warm gay fuzzing feeling you get inside when you look at really cute stuff?