Friday, March 4, 2011

nobody but you

It's only felt like a few days (and really, it only has been a few days), but the first week of uni is over already. I'm not sure if I should blame this on my doing an Arts/Media degree, or on the fact that I'm just a dickhead, but whilst all my other friends seem to be resignedly shifting back into a sensible study routine to keep up with their shit, I'm sitting around trying to figure out a suitable day to watch MVP2: Most Vertical Primate, a DVD I bought today from some Asian video store about an ape who learns to skate. Here is a quick runthrough of what I've been getting up to this week.

If you're gonna be lecturing on something as totally lame-o as Media Industry Contexts, you're gonna want to make it as interesting as possible, so I'm gonna assume my lecturer just wasn't trying the other day. Wasn't a problem though; it turns out dicking around with Hangman is a totally deece way to kill time in such situations. Double-deece if you're immature like me and still think "If you read this, you're gay" is still funny. Also, pretty sure Jess deserves a round of applause for managing to guess the whole phrase with only one incorrect letter.

Hey, I totally forgot to mention. I somehow managed to enrol myself in a design course - web design, to be specific - without even realising! Turns out whenever people (Katie) told me that I should read over stuff like course outlines instead of blindly jumping into whatever I felt like, they were totally right. On the other hand, this totally gives me a very poor excuse to start drawing things. During lectures. Not particularly good things, but who wants real artistic skills when you can have none?


... This is pretty self-explanatory.

PS. I just took a quick check up on MVP2. Turns out it's sitting at 2.8/10 on IMDb, so I guess I'm in for a pretty neat ride.

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