Here's what I spent an hour doing today - it's about 20 seconds of a song I've been writing in my spare time over the past two days called Shit balls shit.
What? You wouldn't really listen to this? To be honest, neither would I - it's not very engaging music, although since I'm really full of myself, I'm personally really proud of myself for a lot of the music I do end up writing, coz if a legit artist made music like this, I'd probably listen to it. I've been leaving it playing in the background while I do other boring shit on the computer, which is probably all it's good for. Ta-da!
you said you wouldn't listen to it, but then you said if someone else made it, you'd listen to it
i like it,
and you like it
and you like the antlers
here is an excerpt of a review of hospice, from a fellow listener of the antlers
There are a few callbacks in this album, little lines that pop in and out of songs... they make me smile when they creep in.. it's a nice relief from the crying I do in between.
you like this band
whoops, what I meant was I wouldn't listen to this actively, and I'd just use it as background music, though if a proper artist made music like this (they'd probably do it better), I'd be into it
also it's true - it's a known fact that Antlers fans are actually the biggest sissies on earth.
does it make you embarassed that you like this song and I like this song and I like the Antlers?
it sounds really good!
keep going!
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