Aw boy.
I think what makes this challenge difficult is that
A. I don't really have a camera that I can bring to school to document my (pretty much uneventful) life with. I used to, but since changing to one of these crazy gadgets, I've had no way to transfer my photos to the computer. Which sucks, because this happened before I received my fun little fish-eye lens for camera phones.
B. Instead, I am limited to taking photos at home with my crazy DSLR. As you've probably observed, there isn't much to photograph at home; everything I take photos of can almost entirely be summed up by this list:
- Food. Wicked mad vego things and not a lot else.
- Food. Wicked mad vego things and not a lot else.
- My pets. You can bet there are gonna be about a billion more of these throughout the rest of the challenge, which I will most definitely uphold all the way, because there just isn't really anything of note around my place.
Family? Outdoors?
as much as I'd like them to, mad family picnics in the backyard don't really happen all too often. I can take a bunch of photos of Genny if you want
Yeah sure why not
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