Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Why it didn't suck: Well, apart from the wide range of extremely subpar, extremely generic bands that dominated the Loud stage [Like Stephen's band - he drums for these guys], these were actually pretty legitimately fun, I think. To me, attending Bring It On felt a bit like tradition, even though we only attended twice. They also had a really spontaneous spark about them - in 08, I actually only heard about it the night before, on WoW, from Timothy, who used to hit me every time we met in real life. Feeling ultra spontaneous the following morning, I called Stephen the next morning, and long story short, we ended up at Fairfield Showgrounds about an hour later.

In 09, Katie decided to join our merry krew, for what, in hindsight, is looking to be the origins of mad hipster krew and outings, where we cringed at the energetically whiny frontman of Stephen's band (sorry), and pretended to be taking harmless happy-snaps when we wanted to take photos of shit we found funny, like emo kids getting arrested, Aboriginal people, and the rap krew on the Hip-Hop stage with Downs Syndrome, which was probably mean of us.

1 comment:

Anna Vo said...

If you stayed till the end of the 09 one, it got heeeeeaps better. Everyone came together to the one place to watch a performance and the unity was just awesome :D