Saturday, May 1, 2010

good luck, and don't dare give up, give it a little bit of vitriol, hey

In case you're wondering, I'll be taking Ext 2 breaks around roughly midnight, even though that's when I used to begin working in the holidays.

In case you're probably not wondering at all but I'll update you anyway, I'm on 3750 words for my draft, and no progress on the other bits. I didn't really wanna sleep til I got at least 4000 done, but I was actually sitting there, stuck, for an hour and ended up accidentally falling asleep and waking up around midnight and calling it a night.

Anyway, something that really weirded me out today. I was on the bus, and since Dannis cockteased me with the earphones he bought for me, I was really desperate for some form of headphone or earphone to listen to my music with (I lost my earphones a couple weeks ago, for anyone wondering) and so I borrowed Genny's mad DJ Douchebag ones.
So the first song I listened to was Vitriol by Bluejuice, but within a few seconds, something was bothering me - the song sounded really different to how I remembered it. At first I thought my iPods earphone jack was stuffed and was only picking up one side, but after checking around with a few other songs, I found they were fine. And it's not like this was one of the first times I'd heard the song properly either; in fact, I was listening to it yesterday as well. It's just for some reason, I was now hearing the song completely different, and what was bothering me was that it was nowhere near as catchy or enjoyable.
Still perplexed, I somehow reached the illogical conclusion that for some reason, it was just the file on my iPod that was somehow strange. To my very much a shocks, when I got home and played the song on iTunes, it sounded the exact same.
Reaching the conclusion that for some reason, my iTunes had done something to it, I YouTubed it instead, only to find that it was in fact not a problem on my end at all, and that was, in fact, just how the song sounded.
I am really confused as to why I started hearing it differently today.


Deevan said...


Strabo said...

Brain tumour pressing against the dorsal and ventral areas of the prefrontal cortex in your right hemisphere. Only explanation. Have you tried a lobotomy? That might solve the problem.

I may not have helped, but at least you now know the general areas in which music is processed by the brain!