Friday, May 14, 2010

Everything is Cyclical in Nature

so like, this stuff has been in the back of my mind for ageeeesss

but a simple life isn't a pleasurable one
no, it isn't.

its not that things are bad, but you won't find me raving or feeling happy all the time either

I wish life was simple, and not complicated with our many facets of personality

ill want to be able to accept people for who they are.. and i too often make mistakes by judging too early

though we do find pleasure among the small things - and I absolutely do - it comes out of the sudden recognition of something that has always been there, something that we take for granted.

thats not to say we can have indefinite tolerance though, and everyone has their limits.

i am deeply conflicted with two inner desires. one, to hold onto the standard of integrity i set for myself, and two, the want to just take the back door out. because its tough, and has long term ramifications

i know where my limits lie, but yet, it seems to always creep just a little further

maybe everything will work out again, since its all cyclical. don't even know actually, it probably shouldn't be.

not too sure if the obscurity of this is producing the intended indirect effect...

but im in reconsideration.

1 comment:

genvinout said...

but a simple life isn't a pleasurable one
no, it isn't.

I wish life was simple, and not complicated with our many facets of personality
