Tuesday, April 20, 2010

the fuck is a post 415 aggregate?

With the case of my half yearlies, which everyone must care about and also I have to post about either way since we are sheep, it's the very cliche story you always hear of
"Hey wow y'know it's weird! I did great in all the subjects I thought I'd do shitty in, and shitty in all the subjects I thought I'd do great in!"

Math: since I'm a math king and all, I got 72/80, which I'm not disappointed with, but I thought I'd do better. This subject doesn't apply to what I described just above.

English: I knew I did sweeto in the speech, but I genuinely thought I fucked up the story. Turns out I didn't, and they actually really enjoyed it, even though while I was writing it, my brain was in a constant cringe over how shitty it was to me.

Music: Again, I thought I actually fucked up my performance - Mr Craig pointed out afterwards that despite knowing that there was a camera facing me, I seemed to be performing to the window on the left, and my setup was horrible because my pedal was too far away - but I ended up with 8/10 for both pieces. I was actually horrified after my performance because since LnT fucked up the drumkit at Finals Night, and the toms don't go on properly, and so I stayed in Chuck's performance to actually just hold a tom there for Paul, who was drumming. Watching it made me want to die, because Chuck has actually improved a load, and pulled Cliffs of Dover pretty clean. He ended up with 8/10 and 8.5/10, so I'm actually quite flattered with Mr Craig's marking. Maybe it was because we have Hawaiian shirt affinity - the day prior, he asked us if we had any requests for the exam, and I asked him to wear a Hawaiian shirt, the big Corona Mexican-hat that's been sitting in the music rooms since Finals Night, and cover the room in sand. He didn't, but he did wear a Hawaiian shirt and bring a little stubbyholder that was in the shape of a Hawaiian shirt.

Ag: Big smiles, less bomb drunkass Woodstock hobos. The morning of the ag exam, after everyone else finished 3u math, we were allowed to move some tables into the senior computer room, where Bob and I actually led seminars for ag krew and drew diagrams and shit on the whiteboard in the room, and taught everyone else, who had studied far less because they had math to worry about. I somehow managed to come LAST in ag krew, getting destroyed by even Dalf, who entirely missed the last page of questions because she didn't see them. I ended up with 69%, which is ridankulous because ag was always the subject I could fall back on etc etc

Modern - we didn't get it back. Here are my thoughts.
Genvin Out is says:
*mr lunch is going to look at my paper and just.. 'what? what..'
Stephen says:
*"very good genvin! good boy! good, good good boy!!

I can't remember what other subjects I do. I hope I've covered everything.

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