Pretty big toss-up...
Love Actually because it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, just like every other rom-com chick-flick I've watched because I'm full sissy and shit, but there's just something about it that clicks with me.
Harry Potter because I actually watched it twenty times throughout the summer holidays a few years ago, and didn't get sick of it once. It ACTUALLY rules.
Some other movies that were pretty close but didn't quite make the cut were the Lord of the Rings ones, Stepbrothers, Pineapple Express, the Spiderman and X-Men movies, and a range of other superhero blockbuster types that don't really count.
Oh and the Parkway Drive DVD is pretty great too, I think it's interesting to watch even if you're not into hardcore. Then again, I'm probably wrong.
ive yet to watch love actually D=
but theres
valentines day, as well as "remember me"
wait how did you make the pictures so big?
I didn't care much for Valentine's Day, seemed really blatantly rippy. I'm prets sure I'd love it to bits if I did watch it though.
FOR MEGA-BIG PICZ: instead of uploading a photo from your computer, find the picture on the net somewhere, right click, copy image URL, and in the uploader popup, put that in the address bar on the right hand side. it's restricted to the width of the blaworg itself though
I got full excited coz I saw I had two comments
Just to namedrop here, my aunt is actually friends with the writer of Love Actually.
Like, cards-at-Christmas friends.
I think that is awesome.
word verification: unchinam
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